BlackPlayer EX


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX

Краткое описание:
Аудиоплеер для Android
BlackPlayer EX - аудиоплеер с аскетичным оформлением. Приложение поддерживает большинство известных форматов аудио (MP3, WAV и др.), что является огромным плюсом. Также в нем имеется эквалайзер, с помощью которого пользователь сможет самостоятельно регулировать параметры звучания музыки. Ещё одним достоинством программы является сохранение обложек альбомов и поиск информации об авторе и названии трека, а удобные виджеты для рабочего стола помогут переключать композиции не заходя в сам плеер.Включает в себя множество дополнительных функций премиум-класса. Конечно, все функции BlackPlayer Free также включены в этот музыкальный проигрыватель. Создайте свой собственный интерфейс с настройками, найденными в меню «Настройки»

  • Светлая тема!
  • 6 дополнительных шрифтов, включая возможность использовать системный шрифт
  • 11 цветовых акцентов
  • 8 дополнительных тем экрана "Сейчас играет"
  • Белая тема для виджета
  • Поддержка Chromecast (активировать в настройках аудио)
  • Группирование музыки по годам и композиторам
  • Настраиваемый кроссфейдинг
  • Полностью настраиваемые страницы библиотеки. Добавить, удалить и отсортировать
  • Опция "Экран всегда включен"
  • Блокировка поворота экрана.
  • Возможность изменения стартовой страницы библиотеки
  • Настраиваемый размер сетки для исполнителей и альбомов
  • Настраиваемые цвета! Панель действий, главная и всплывающие окна
  • Ручной поиск и установка изображений исполнителя
  • Чёрный список папок и треков
  • Zap, откройте для себя свою музыку быстро с помощью этой смарт-функции. Авто воспроизводит случайные музыкальные треки в течение 5 секунд каждый.
  • Плавающее окно виджета управления
  • Визуализатор, настраиваемый (Beta)
  • Настраиваемые виджеты и уведомления
  • Изменение цвета текста уведомления и фона
  • Просмотр исполнителей в большей сетке
  • Просмотр жанров списком или большим списком
  • Настраиваемая прозрачность виджетов 4x1 и другие настройки виджетов
  • Проигрываемые треки можно отслеживать ежемесячно, а не еженедельно
  • Эффект размытия экрана блокировки или виджета
  • 2 дополнительные анимации текста
  • 1 дополнительный эффект перехода
  • Отображение позиции очереди в виджете
  • Возможность добавить страницу «ПЛЕЙЛИСТЫ» в библиотеку
  • Возможность скрыть любую из слайд страниц слева
  • Поддержка разработчика!
  • Версия EX всегда получает новые функции!
Требуется Android: 5.0+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: FifthSource
Google Play:


  • Спасибо
Благодарности: Lord_X и xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.47 build 329
  • (ALPHA) Added option to switch to a new audio decoder. EQ/Sound effects does not work. Use if you want crossfading or speed/tempo controls. Found in Advanced settings
  • (BETA) Added horizontal swiping Now playing. Enable in Now Playing settings. Play queue found at bottom of Now Playing
  • Added option to use rounded corners for the Playlist Grid! Default enabled.
  • Added option to change Lyrics font size between 3 values, found in Now Playing settings.
  • Added option to use File timestamp for 'Date Added' instead of when the file was first added to database.
  • Fixed floating control on newer Android versions.
  • Minor layout update to floating control.
  • Recently Added Albums, Popular Artists and Popular Albums pages now shows 15 items instead of max 12.
  • Changed to icons instead of text button in the Folder view, change Queue action to shuffle-play instead.
  • Fix issue multi tag edit, caused Artist edit to be invalid.
  • Few crash fixes and translation update.
Скачать 62676
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.47 build 330
20.47 - February 8
  • (ALPHA) Added option to switch to a new audio decoder. EQ/Sound effects does not work. Use if you want crossfading or speed/tempo controls. Found in Advanced settings
  • (BETA) Added horizontal swiping Now playing. Enable in Now Playing settings. Play queue found at bottom of Now Playing
  • Added option to use rounded corners for the Playlist Grid! Default enabled.
  • Added option to change Lyrics font size between 3 values, found in Now Playing settings.
  • Added option to use File timestamp for 'Date Added' instead of when the file was first added to database.
  • Fixed floating control on newer Android versions.
  • Minor layout update to floating control.
  • Recently Added Albums, Popular Artists and Popular Albums pages now shows 15 items instead of max 12.
  • Changed to icons instead of text button in the Folder view, change Queue action to shuffle-play instead.
  • Fix issue multi tag edit, caused Artist edit to be invalid.
  • Few crash fixes and translation update.
Скачать 62677
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.48 build 332 Beta
20.48 BETA - March 5
  • Improved Tracking system for managing Most played tracks, Popular Artist and Albums etc.
  • Design update to Play now page.
  • New bottom play-queue design for the Left/Right swiping with customizable actions, can be hidden by chossing 'None' as action.
  • Playlist 'Restore from Backup' can now be cancelled.
  • Touch fixes with the Now playing setting 'Left and Right Swiping'.
  • Google+ link is removed from About page. Added Facebook instead.
  • Added 'Recently Added Albums' to Android Auto and Wear OS.
  • Tried to fix large widget not updating when Cover is very large.
  • Added audio focus to the new Audio decoder.
  • Reduced maximum effect of Amplifier to prevent damages.
  • Tried to improve memory management.
Скачать 14380
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.48 build 333 Beta
20.48 BETA - March 11
  • Improved Tracking system for managing Most played tracks, Popular Artist and Albums etc.
  • Design update to Play now page.
  • New bottom play-queue design for the Left/Right swiping with customizable actions, can be hidden by chossing 'None' as action.
  • Playlist 'Restore from Backup' can now be cancelled.
  • Touch fixes with the Now playing setting 'Left and Right Swiping'.
  • Google+ link is removed from About page. Added Facebook instead.
  • Added 'Recently Added Albums' to Android Auto and Wear OS.
  • Tried to fix large widget not updating when Cover is very large.
  • Added audio focus to the new Audio decoder.
  • Reduced maximum effect of Amplifier to prevent damages.
  • Tried to improve memory management.
Скачать 15817
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.48 build 334
20.48 - March 24
- Improved Tracking system for managing Most played tracks, Popular Artist and Albums etc.
- Design update to Play now page.
- New bottom play-queue design for the Left/Right swiping with customizable actions, can be hidden by chossing 'None' as action.
- Playlist 'Restore from Backup' can now be cancelled.
- Touch fixes with the Now playing setting 'Left and Right Swiping'.
- Google+ link is removed from About page. Added Facebook instead.
- Added 'Recently Added Albums' to Android Auto and Wear OS.
- Tried to fix large widget not updating when Cover is very large.
- Added audio focus to the new Audio decoder.
- Reduced maximum effect of Amplifier to prevent damages.
- Update to Custom lockscreen.
- Tried to improve memory management.
Скачать 17355
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.48 build 335
20.48 - March 27
- Improved Tracking system for managing Most played tracks, Popular Artist and Albums etc.
- Design update to Play now page.
- New bottom play-queue design for the Left/Right swiping with customizable actions, can be hidden by chossing 'None' as action.
- Playlist 'Restore from Backup' can now be cancelled.
- Touch fixes with the Now playing setting 'Left and Right Swiping'.
- Google+ link is removed from About page. Added Facebook instead.
- Added 'Recently Added Albums' to Android Auto and Wear OS.
- Tried to fix large widget not updating when Cover is very large.
- Added audio focus to the new Audio decoder.
- Reduced maximum effect of Amplifier to prevent damages.
- Update to Custom lockscreen.
- Tried to improve memory management.
Скачать 17700
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.49 build 336 Beta
20.49 BETA - April 5
- New 2x2 minimalistic widget! Resizeable! Custom transparency found in Remote settings.
- Fix graphical glitch when using 'Animate Track change' and Adaptive UI. Try it out!
- Update to About page and added device info.
- Added Genres as an option to the bottom navigation bar.
- Added the 'Show Overflow' setting to Interface settings.
- 'Dominate Gradient' setting now applied to single Album page. Happy to hear feedback if you don't like this change.
- Fixed 'Restore Previous Queue' for Chromecast.
- Fixed unable to change seek in some conditions when using Chromecast.
- Translation update.
Скачать 19229
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.49 build 337 Beta
20.49 BETA - April 5
- New 2x2 minimalistic widget! Resizeable! Custom transparency found in Remote settings.
- Fix graphical glitch when using 'Animate Track change' and Adaptive UI. Try it out!
- Update to About page and added device info.
- Added Genres as an option to the bottom navigation bar.
- Added the 'Show Overflow' setting to Interface settings.
- 'Dominate Gradient' setting now applied to single Album page. Happy to hear feedback if you don't like this change.
- Fixed 'Restore Previous Queue' for Chromecast.
- Fixed unable to change seek in some conditions when using Chromecast.
- Translation update.
Скачать 19339
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.49 build 338 Beta
20.49 BETA - April 11
- New 2x2 minimalistic widget! Resizeable! Custom transparency found in Remote settings.
- Added option to change font size in Now Playing page to 4 different sizes.
- Added better auto repair Album cover to protect against Cleaning apps, protects against lost covers.
- Fix graphical glitch when using 'Animate Track change' and Adaptive UI. Try it out!
- Update to About page and added device info.
- Added Genres as an option to the bottom navigation bar.
- Added the 'Show Overflow' setting to Interface settings.
- 'Dominate Gradient' setting now applied to single Album page. Happy to hear feedback if you don't like this change.
- Tried to correct low contrast seek bar color in Now Playing page when using 'Dominate UI'.
- Fixed 'Restore Previous Queue' for Chromecast.
- Fixed unable to change seek in some conditions when using Chromecast.
- Translation update.
Скачать 19873
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.49 build 339
20.49 - April 18
- New 2x2 minimalistic widget! Resizeable! Custom transparency found in Remote settings.
- Added 5 star Ratings to tracks! Enable in Now Playing settings. Early bugs might exist!
- Added option to change font size in Now Playing page to 4 different sizes.
- Added better auto repair Album cover to protect against Cleaning apps, protects against lost covers.
- Fix graphical glitch when using 'Animate Track change' and Adaptive UI. Try it out!
- Update to About page and added device info.
- Added Genres as an option to the bottom navigation bar.
- Added the 'Show Overflow' setting to Interface settings.
- Tried to correct low contrast seek bar color in Now Playing page when using 'Dominate UI'.
- Fixed 'Restore Previous Queue' for Chromecast.
- Fixed unable to change seek in some conditions when using Chromecast.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 20756
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.49 build 340
20.49 - April 24
- New 2x2 minimalistic widget! Resizeable! Custom transparency found in Remote settings.
- Added 5 star Ratings to tracks! Enable in Now Playing settings. Early bugs might exist!
- Added option to change font size in Now Playing page to 4 different sizes.
- Added better auto repair Album cover to protect against Cleaning apps, protects against lost covers.
- Fix graphical glitch when using 'Animate Track change' and Adaptive UI. Try it out!
- Update to About page and added device info.
- Added Genres as an option to the bottom navigation bar.
- Added the 'Show Overflow' setting to Interface settings.
- Tried to correct low contrast seek bar color in Now Playing page when using 'Dominate UI'.
- Fixed 'Restore Previous Queue' for Chromecast.
- Fixed unable to change seek in some conditions when using Chromecast.
- Translation update and crash fixes.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 21428
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 341 Beta
20.50 BETA - April 30
- Testing BlackPlayer without 'Read Phone call/state' permission. 'Resume After phone call' setting is no longer working, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature. Happy to hear feedback on this.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Minor design update to Settings page.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 22044
Последнее редактирование:
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 342 Beta
20.50 BETA - May 1
- Testing BlackPlayer without 'Read Phone call/state' permission. 'Resume After phone call' setting is no longer working, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature. Happy to hear feedback on this.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Minor design update to Settings page.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 22218
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 343 Beta
20.50 BETA - May 7
- Testing BlackPlayer without 'Read Phone call/state' permission. 'Resume After phone call' setting is no longer working, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature. Happy to hear feedback on this.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Minor design update to Settings page.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 22851
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 344 Beta
20.50 BETA - May 14
- 'Read Phone call/state' permission is removed. 'Resume After phone call' setting is removed, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- You can now switch between showing Montly and Total Most Popular Artist & Albums, tap on the top 'PLAY NOW' header to change this setting.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Temporary disabled Artist images to prevent 'White Star' image, replacement will come soon. Manually set Artist image now only searches for Albums.
- Minor design update to Settings page.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 23794
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 345 Beta
20.50 BETA - May 19
- 'Read Phone call/state' permission is removed. 'Resume After phone call' setting is removed, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature.
- Artist image download has now been disabled and replaced with Album covers instead. You can still use external image from Gallery.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- You can now switch between showing Montly and Total Most Popular Artist & Albums, tap on the top 'PLAY NOW' header to change this setting.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Minor design update to Settings page.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 24590
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.50 build 346
20.50 - May 21
- 'Read Phone call/state' permission is removed. 'Resume After phone call' setting is removed, try change 'Audio Focus Level' to 'Ignore All' if you still want this feature.
- Artist image download has now been disabled and replaced with Album covers instead. You can still use external image from Gallery. Use 'Delete All Artist images' in Metadata if you want to delete the white Star images and the previous images.
- NEW Now Playing button style, 'Material Outline'.
- You can now switch between showing Montly and Total Most Popular Artist & Albums, tap on the top 'PLAY NOW' header to change this setting.
- New information dialogs for the Microphone and Storage permissions.
- Star Rating bar setting now hidden in Settings if not using 'BlackPlayer Custom library'.
- Minor design update to Settings page.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 24806
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.51 build 349 Beta
20.51 BETA - June 3
- NEW Added option to scale the Play, Previous and Next track button in Now playing page.
- NEW Added option to draw the Album cover under the status bars. This does not work for all themes and in Search and Genre pages.
- 'Left and Right Now Playing swiping' and 'Animate Track change' is now default enabled for Android 8.0+
- Album cover is no longer square in landscape layout.
- Tweaked fast-forward and rewind time.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 27102
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.51 build 350 Beta
20.51 BETA - June 5
- NEW Added option to scale the Play, Previous and Next track button in Now playing page.
- NEW Added option to draw the Album cover under the status bars. This does not work for all themes and in Search and Genre pages.
- 'Left and Right Now Playing swiping' and 'Animate Track change' is now default enabled for Android 8.0+
- Album cover is no longer square in landscape layout.
- Tweaked fast-forward and rewind time.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 27334
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek