BlackPlayer EX


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX

Краткое описание:
Аудиоплеер для Android
BlackPlayer EX - аудиоплеер с аскетичным оформлением. Приложение поддерживает большинство известных форматов аудио (MP3, WAV и др.), что является огромным плюсом. Также в нем имеется эквалайзер, с помощью которого пользователь сможет самостоятельно регулировать параметры звучания музыки. Ещё одним достоинством программы является сохранение обложек альбомов и поиск информации об авторе и названии трека, а удобные виджеты для рабочего стола помогут переключать композиции не заходя в сам плеер.Включает в себя множество дополнительных функций премиум-класса. Конечно, все функции BlackPlayer Free также включены в этот музыкальный проигрыватель. Создайте свой собственный интерфейс с настройками, найденными в меню «Настройки»

  • Светлая тема!
  • 6 дополнительных шрифтов, включая возможность использовать системный шрифт
  • 11 цветовых акцентов
  • 8 дополнительных тем экрана "Сейчас играет"
  • Белая тема для виджета
  • Поддержка Chromecast (активировать в настройках аудио)
  • Группирование музыки по годам и композиторам
  • Настраиваемый кроссфейдинг
  • Полностью настраиваемые страницы библиотеки. Добавить, удалить и отсортировать
  • Опция "Экран всегда включен"
  • Блокировка поворота экрана.
  • Возможность изменения стартовой страницы библиотеки
  • Настраиваемый размер сетки для исполнителей и альбомов
  • Настраиваемые цвета! Панель действий, главная и всплывающие окна
  • Ручной поиск и установка изображений исполнителя
  • Чёрный список папок и треков
  • Zap, откройте для себя свою музыку быстро с помощью этой смарт-функции. Авто воспроизводит случайные музыкальные треки в течение 5 секунд каждый.
  • Плавающее окно виджета управления
  • Визуализатор, настраиваемый (Beta)
  • Настраиваемые виджеты и уведомления
  • Изменение цвета текста уведомления и фона
  • Просмотр исполнителей в большей сетке
  • Просмотр жанров списком или большим списком
  • Настраиваемая прозрачность виджетов 4x1 и другие настройки виджетов
  • Проигрываемые треки можно отслеживать ежемесячно, а не еженедельно
  • Эффект размытия экрана блокировки или виджета
  • 2 дополнительные анимации текста
  • 1 дополнительный эффект перехода
  • Отображение позиции очереди в виджете
  • Возможность добавить страницу «ПЛЕЙЛИСТЫ» в библиотеку
  • Возможность скрыть любую из слайд страниц слева
  • Поддержка разработчика!
  • Версия EX всегда получает новые функции!
Требуется Android: 5.0+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: FifthSource
Google Play:


  • Спасибо
Благодарности: Lord_X и xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.51 build 352
20.51 - June 20
- NEW Now Playing theme, 'Concept 3'.
- NEW Added Top Most played Tracks for each individual Artist, Album-Artist and Composer. This can be disabled in the top right corner of the Artist page.
- NEW Added option to scale the Play, Previous and Next track button in Now playing page.
- NEW Added option to draw the Album cover under the status bars. This does not work for all themes and in Search and Genre pages.
- 'Left and Right Now Playing swiping' and 'Animate Track change' is now default enabled for Android 8.0+
- Album cover is no longer square in landscape layout.
- Tweaked fast-forward and rewind time.
- New startpage to get Storage permissions.
- Translation update.
20.50 - May 21

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 29603
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.51 build 354
20.51 - June 28
- NEW Now Playing theme, 'Concept 3'.
- NEW Added Top Most played Tracks for each individual Artist, Album-Artist and Composer. This can be disabled in the top right corner of the Artist page.
- NEW Added option to scale the Play, Previous and Next track button in Now playing page.
- NEW Added option to draw the Album cover under the status bars. This does not work for all themes and in Search and Genre pages.
- 'Left and Right Now Playing swiping' and 'Animate Track change' is now default enabled for Android 8.0+
- Added Chromecast button to one of the Customizable actions in Now Playing page.
- Album cover is no longer square in landscape layout.
- Tweaked fast-forward and rewind time.
- New startpage to get Storage permissions.
- Updated icon design in Settings.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 30657
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.52 build 355 Beta
20.52 BETA - July 3
- (BETA) NEW Some Artist images are now appearing again! Might look different and load slower.
- Minor graphical update to the Extra actions visible when tapping on the Album cover in Now playing page.
- NEW Added sorting of Oldest Added for Tracks.
- Minor fix for importing Playlists in some file managers.
- Fixed scrolling on the top navigation titles (TRACKS, ARTIST etc.) to avoid confusion that it is a bug.
- Rewind and Fast-forward actions in Now Playing now changes the current text instantly.
- You can now disable 'Chromecast Integration' in order to remove the Chromecast button from the Now Playing page.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 31343
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.52 build 357
20.52 - August 2
- (BETA) NEW Some Artist images are now appearing again! Might look different and load slower.
- (BETA) NEW Added support for OPUS metadata, tag editing not working.
- NEW Typeface 'Quicksand'.
- NEW Added option to hide Shuffle & Repeat buttons.
- NEW Now playing button style 'Stereo'.
- Minor graphical update to the Extra actions visible when tapping on the Album cover in Now playing page.
- Minor fix for importing Playlists in some file managers.
- Fixed scrolling on the top navigation titles (TRACKS, ARTIST etc.) to avoid confusion that it is a bug.
- Rewind and Fast-forward actions in Now Playing now changes the current text instantly.
- You can now disable 'Chromecast Integration' in order to remove the Chromecast button from the Now Playing page.
- Added 'Album Artists' to the bottom navigation.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 35856
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.52 build 358
0.52 - August 4
- (BETA) NEW Some Artist images are now appearing again! Might look different and load slower.
- (BETA) NEW Added support for OPUS metadata, tag editing not working.
- NEW Typeface 'Quicksand'.
- NEW Added option to hide Shuffle & Repeat buttons.
- NEW Now playing button style 'Stereo'.
- Minor graphical update to the Extra actions visible when tapping on the Album cover in Now playing page.
- Minor fix for importing Playlists in some file managers.
- Fixed scrolling on the top navigation titles (TRACKS, ARTIST etc.) to avoid confusion that it is a bug.
- Rewind and Fast-forward actions in Now Playing now changes the current text instantly.
- You can now disable 'Chromecast Integration' in order to remove the Chromecast button from the Now Playing page.
- Added 'Album Artists' to the bottom navigation.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 36055
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.52 build 360
20.52 - August 22
- (BETA) NEW Some Artist images are now appearing again! Might look different and load slower.
- (BETA) NEW Added support for OPUS metadata, tag editing not working.
- NEW Typeface 'Quicksand'.
- NEW Added option to hide Shuffle & Repeat buttons.
- NEW Now playing button style 'Stereo'.
- Minor graphical update to the Extra actions visible when tapping on the Album cover in Now playing page.
- Minor fix for importing Playlists in some file managers.
- Fixed scrolling on the top navigation titles (TRACKS, ARTIST etc.) to avoid confusion that it is a bug.
- Rewind and Fast-forward actions in Now Playing now changes the current text instantly.
- You can now disable 'Chromecast Integration' in order to remove the Chromecast button from the Now Playing page.
- Added 'Album Artists' to the bottom navigation.
- Added .aiff files to be scanned.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 37923
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.53 build 361 Beta
20.53 BETA - September 9
- Testing higher Chromecast album cover resolution, happy to hear feedback on this.
- Recently added Albums in Play Now shows 6 max albums instead of 3.
- Multi select in Album view no longer hide the Artist title automatically and changes the shuffle button background color.
- Added Multi-playlist import. Using BlackPlayer file import as standard now, long press on 'Import' button to use external file manager.
- Fast-forward/rewind actions in Now Playing page are now 10 seconds again instead of 5.
- Fixed Albums placeholder image for Artist not appearing.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 39934
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.53 build 364 Beta
20.53 BETA - September 27
- NEW Added option to disable the Fast scroller in the right edge for Tracks, Albums and Artists. Found by tapping on the top header title in the corresponding page.
- NEW Added Playlist m3u-file synchronization. Enable in each Playlist-page. When enabled, BlackPlayer continously reads the tracks from the m3u file.
- Testing higher Chromecast album cover resolution, happy to hear feedback on this.
- Recently added Albums in Play Now shows 6 max albums instead of 3.
- Multi select in Album view no longer hide the Artist title automatically and changes the shuffle button background color.
- NEW Added Multi-playlist import. Using BlackPlayer file import as standard now, long press on 'Import' button to use external file manager.
- Fast-forward/rewind actions in Now Playing page are now 10 seconds again instead of 5.
- Fixed Albums placeholder image for Artist not appearing.
- The Edit dialog of single Tracks now shows the total playcount for that track (BlackPlayer Custom Library only)
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 41523
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.53 build 365
20.53 - September 28
- NEW Added option to disable the Fast scroller in the right edge for Tracks, Albums and Artists. Found by tapping on the top header title in the corresponding page.
- NEW Added Playlist m3u-file synchronization. Enable in each Playlist-page. When enabled, BlackPlayer continously reads the tracks from the m3u file.
- Testing higher Chromecast album cover resolution, happy to hear feedback on this.
- Recently added Albums in Play Now shows 6 max albums instead of 3.
- Multi select in Album view no longer hide the Artist title automatically and changes the shuffle button background color.
- NEW Added Multi-playlist import. Using BlackPlayer file import as standard now, long press on 'Import' button to use external file manager.
- Fast-forward/rewind actions in Now Playing page are now 10 seconds again instead of 5.
- Fixed Albums placeholder image for Artist not appearing.
- The Edit dialog of single Tracks now shows the total playcount for that track (BlackPlayer Custom Library only)
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 41659
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.53 build 366
20.53 - October 11
- NEW Added option to disable the Fast scroller in the right edge for Tracks, Albums and Artists. Found by tapping on the top header title in the corresponding page.
- NEW Added Playlist m3u-file synchronization. Enable in each Playlist-page. When enabled, BlackPlayer continuously reads the tracks from the m3u file.
- Testing higher Chromecast album cover resolution, happy to hear feedback on this.
- Recently added Albums in Play Now shows 6 max albums instead of 3.
- Multi select in Album view no longer hide the Artist title automatically and changes the shuffle button background color.
- You can now change between Total and Montly Most played tracks in the 'MOST PLAYED' page by tapping on the top title.
- NEW Added Multi-playlist import. Using BlackPlayer file import as standard now, long press on 'Import' button to use external file manager.
- Fast-forward/rewind actions in Now Playing page are now 10 seconds again instead of 5.
- Fixed Albums placeholder image for Artist not appearing.
- The Edit dialog of single Tracks now shows the total playcount for that track (BlackPlayer Custom Library only)
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 42889
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.53 build 367
20.53 - October 16
- NEW Added option to disable the Fast scroller in the right edge for Tracks, Albums and Artists. Found by tapping on the top header title in the corresponding page.
- NEW Added Playlist m3u-file synchronization. Enable in each Playlist-page. When enabled, BlackPlayer continuously reads the tracks from the m3u file.
- Testing higher Chromecast album cover resolution, happy to hear feedback on this.
- Recently added Albums in Play Now shows 6 max albums instead of 3.
- Multi select in Album view no longer hide the Artist title automatically and changes the shuffle button background color.
- You can now change between Total and Montly Most played tracks in the 'MOST PLAYED' page by tapping on the top title.
- NEW Added Multi-playlist import. Using BlackPlayer file import as standard now, long press on 'Import' button to use external file manager.
- Fast-forward/rewind actions in Now Playing page are now 10 seconds again instead of 5.
- Fixed Albums placeholder image for Artist not appearing.
- The Edit dialog of single Tracks now shows the total playcount for that track (BlackPlayer Custom Library only)
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 43364
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.54 build 368 Beta
20.54 BETA - October 27
- Added Track Play history backup & restore. Found in new Settings category 'Backup & Restore'. Moved Settings and Playlist backup there.
- Added animations for Artist page when biography appears from internet.
- Removed false animation if default Artist image is unchanged on Artist page.
- Artist biographies are now saved even if no images are found from the Internet.
- Artist biographies should no longer be replaced with empty ones.
- Very small design update to left sliding menu.
- Tweaked animation when changing sorting in main Tracks list.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 44422
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.54 build 369 Beta
20.54 BETA - November 7
- Added Track Play history backup & restore. Found in new Settings category 'Backup & Restore'. Moved Settings and Playlist backup there.
- Finally fixed bottom navigation bar. BlackPlayer should now support hiding and showing navigation & gesture bar without changing any settings.
- New Now Playing button image style, 'Rounded Material'.
- Added animations for Artist page when biography appears from internet.
- Removed false animation if default Artist image is unchanged on Artist page.
- Artist biographies are now saved even if no images are found from the Internet.
- Artist biographies should no longer be replaced with empty ones.
- Very small design update to left sliding menu.
- Tweaked animation when changing sorting in main Tracks list.
- Updated the ID3 Tag library to newer version. Might improve tag reading.
- Tried to fix Album covers not downloading on Android 4.1 - 4.4.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 45470
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.54 build 370
20.54 - November 13
- Added Track Play history backup & restore. Found in new Settings category 'Backup & Restore'. Moved Settings and Playlist backup there.
- Finally fixed bottom navigation bar. BlackPlayer should now support hiding and showing navigation & gesture bar without changing any settings.
- New Now Playing button image style, 'Rounded Material'.
- Added animations for Artist page when biography appears from internet.
- Removed false animation if default Artist image is unchanged on Artist page.
- Artist biographies are now saved even if no images are found from the Internet.
- Artist biographies should no longer be replaced with empty ones.
- Very small design update to left sliding menu.
- Tweaked animation when changing sorting in main Tracks list.
- Updated the ID3 Tag library to newer version. Might improve tag reading.
- Tried to fix Album covers not downloading on Android 4.1 - 4.4.
- Fix for setting Album covers images from Xiaomi gallery app.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 45967
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.55 build 374
20.55 - December 22
- NEW Artist page design! Both the Gradient and Dominate UI effects can be disabled in the top right corner (3 dots) of the Artist page.
- NEW! Added 'Share' action to Albums, Artists, Album-Artist and Composers if this is enabled in Settings.
- NEW! Added Multi Artist support, currently default Enabled. Can be disabled in Metadata Settings. Shows additional tracks in Artist page where multiple Artists are involved.
- NEW design for 'Rounded Album Grid'.
- Removed 'Hidden Navigation bar' setting, should not be needed anymore as this is automatic.
- Improved protection of Manually set Artist images against Cleaning Apps and 'Device Maintenance'
- New animation when an image appear in the single Artist page.
- Minor design update to Manually Select Image view.
- Added option to use an 'Exit' button as the Extra button in the notification.
- Fixed changing of 'View Tracks As' for some users.
- Tried to improve resume Music after phone call, if music was playing.
- Translation update.
- Improved information where some things where unclear.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 50989


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.56 build 378
20.56 - January 20
- Added Auto Backup Track statistics and Auto Backup Settings, default enabled.
- NEW Shuffle & Repeat button style, 'Fruity'.
- Added multi select option 'Select All' tracks to individual Artist and Album pages.
- Added Folder multi select. Tap on the top header title 'FOLDERS' to activate it.
- 'Shuffle Play' action in Artist page no longer adds duplicates (repeated) to the play-queue if the Artist has 'Top Tracks'.
- All 'Shuffle Play' actions now crossfades to new track if Crossfading is enabled.
- Sorting Tracks by Title in the Favorites page now correctly ignores 'The' and 'A' when sorting, if 'Force A-Z Sort order' is not disabled.
- Tried to prevent folder /sdcard/ from being scanned, since this may cause duplicate tracks.
- Mass 'Auto Download missing Album Covers' in Settings now might copy image to folder to improve cover stability.
- Renamed the current Shuffle & Repeat styles.
- Fixed Rounded Album Grid when 'Show Labels' if disabled.
- Added 'Rounded Grid' to the 'View Albums As' option in Library Settings.
- Fixes and improvements to 'Multi Select'.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 52639


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.57 build 383
20.57 - February 18
- NEW! Added support for Light Navigation bar (Android 8.0+).
- NEW! Added option to change Lyrics offset. Found in Now playing settings.
- NEW! You can now change the Font style on the Track title in Now Playing page. Immersive theme now has Regular style.
- NEW Color accent! Light Teal!
- The navigation bar now have transparent background when Now Playing page is showing.
- Added swipe down refresh to main Playlists page.
- Settings window is no longer translucent black after rotating the device.
- Maximum Play button Size increased to 250% from 200%.
- Improve UI performance for Android 4.1-5.1.
- Enabling main 'Light Theme' now changes the left Sliding menu light theme setting aswell.
- The auto backup settings and statitics now exports to a separate file.
- The Manually select folder window now shows the total space and if the storage is external or internal.
- Tweaked and fixed wrong position of Play-buttons in 'Dark 2' theme.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 62660


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
BlackPlayer EX Music Player v20.58 build 385
20.58 - April 2
- NEW Top navigation bar. Larger and more clean. Switch back to old design in Interface settings.
- Updated Dark design of all (long press dialog) popup windows. Slightly rounded corners, new animation, changed background color, slightly narrower width.
- Added option to show filename as Title for the Folder view.
- Added option customize the top action in Artist page to be something other than 'Shuffle Play'. Long press on 'SHUFFLE PLAY' to change.
- Added Folders to Android Auto, only flat structure and only with 'BlackPlayer Custom Library'.
- Small improvement to Multi Artist when using "ft." as separator.
- Slightly larger bottom navigation bar icons.
- Small tweak to 'Classic' theme fix long duration tracks.
- Default Title font style changed to Bold.
- Fixed Fullscreen Visualizer background.
- Improved Playlist importing accuracy.
- Fixed empty Albums on Artist page when using Android Audio Library and Android 10. A bug in Android caused this issue.
- Re-added the alphabetical indexer for Composers.
- Added 'Close Now Playing' as a customizable action for Now Playing page.
- Improved sorting when using 'Force A-Z Sort order' and accents.
- Updated the Album grid design when Manually selecting Album covers.
- The sorting of main 'TRACKS', 'ALBUMS' , 'ALBUM-ARTISTS' and 'ARTISTS' lists can now sorted even if 'Force A-Z Sort Order' is enabled, the sorting still does not ignore 'The' and 'A'. 'Force A-Z Sort order' will eventually be renamed to 'Ignore articles when sorting'. This is currently only for the BlackPlayer Custom library.
- Translation update.

Mod Info:
No LP or Google Play Modded needed.
Скачать 66716


68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
20.59 FIRST BETA - July 1
- Added NEW Bookmarks feature. This page must be manually enabled from the 'Manage Pages' found in Interface settings. Bookmarks can be created from the custom actions in Now Playing page.
- Added option to show All Tracks for Never Played, if opened from 'Play Now' page (BlackPlayer Library only). Default enabled for Android 9.0+. Activate in top right corner when viewing the Never Played tracks.
- Tweaked scrollbars in the scrollable music in...



68 578
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
20.59 - September 8
- Added NEW Bookmarks feature. This page must be manually enabled from the 'Manage Pages' found in Interface settings. Bookmarks can be created from the custom actions in Now Playing page.
- Added option to show All Tracks for Never Played, if opened from 'Play Now' page (BlackPlayer Library only). Default enabled for Android 9.0+. Activate in top right corner when viewing the Never Played tracks.
- Tweaked scrollbars in the scrollable music in Play now...