Textra SMS


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS


Краткое описание:
Приложение для обмена сообщениями
Программа содержит море замечательных функций, в частности, 100+ тем material design, текст-боксы и значки. Темный, светлый и ночной режимы, 6 стилей текст-боксов, SMS и MMS, камера для быстрых снимков, галерея с возможность выбора нескольких изображений, всплывающее окно с ответами, обмен групповыми сообщениями MMS, быстрые голосовые заметки, GIFы, 21 размер текста, блокировка/черный список, автоматическое сжатие видео и изображений и многое другое.

Настраивайте предпочитаемые темы и цвета текст-боксов, подписей и уведомлений (цвет значков, цвет LED, звук, вибрация, конфиденциальность, напоминания и отключение звука), в том числе индивидуально для каждого контакта.

Получите все последние (Unicode 9) 2000+ эмодзи Android, Twitter, Emoji One и iOS включая варианты (тон кожи). Просто выберите предпочтительный стиль эмодзи и выразите себя!

Новое: Копируйте часть текста внутри текст-бокса. Нажмите на текст-бокс, чтобы проверить эту замечательную новую функцию!

Это нечто особенное: попробуйте программу, расскажите о ней своим друзьям, но прежде всего насладитесь ею сами!

Полностью совместимо с Pushbullet, MightyText, Android Wear и Android Auto (для автомобилей), давая возможность расширенных уведомлений и быстрого ответа.

DUAL SIM: Textra теперь полностью поддерживает устройства с поддержкой двух SIM-карт для Android 5.1 и выше.

Все функции Textra навсегда бесплатны. Время от времени вы можете видеть рекламу, или вы можете заплатить всего один раз, чтобы убрать рекламу навсегда.
Требуется Android: 6.0+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: Delicious
Google Play:



68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42401 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 61749


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42402 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 62798


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42403 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 63437


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42404 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 63889


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42405 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 64109


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42406 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 64550


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42407 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 64784


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42408 Pro
Support for new HEIF picture format.
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 64972


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42409 Pro
16 April 2020
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 66159


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42412 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 66351


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42490 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 66547


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42491 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 66717


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42492 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 66902


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42493 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 67022


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42494 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 67131


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42495 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 67350


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Textra SMS v4.24 build 42496 Pro
WORLD FIRST: Added support for 3000+ (all) of the very latest (Unicode 12.1) Android, iOS, JoyPixel and Twitter emojis.
All emojis are now rendered at a higher quality (most obvious when long pressing an emoji in the + panel).
Bubbles are now wider to better make use of the available screen width (ensuring space is still available when dragging bubble left to reveal timestamps).
Improved MMS connectivity.
New feature to temporarily turn off WiFi when sending MMS which is required for certain devices and networks such as T-Mobile, AT&T and Xfinity. See Textra Settings > MMS > WiFi Fix
Full support for Adaptive Icons (white as the background layer and chosen app icon color as the foreground layer).
Improved draft handling so you should never lose a draft message again.
Improved the initial sync and resync process to ensure it runs correctly in the background and keeps the user informed via the best practice Android Notification mechanism.
Improved layout of Setting screens when using smaller Text Sizes.
Improved icon shadows (app icon, notification icon, task switcher icon and app icon color picker).
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.
Скачать 67454


68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
We hear you! See Settings > Customize Look > App Icon Color, new option "Legacy Icon"
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.



68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
We hear you! See Settings > Customize Look > App Icon Color, new option "Legacy Icon"
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.



68 617
20 868
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
We hear you! See Settings > Customize Look > App Icon Color, new option "Legacy Icon"
Bug fixes.

Mod Info:
Pro features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.