Swiftly switch - Pro


68 442
20 841
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Swiftly switch - Pro


Краткое описание:
Быстрый доступ к различным функциям, ярлыкам и приложениям Android
Новейшее приложение, улучшающее работу с Android устройством, позволяющее использовать телефон одной рукой и ускоряющее многозадачность!

Работает в фоновом режиме, к нему можно легко получить доступ с любого экрана всего одним свайпом с края экрана, быстрое, использует минимум ресурсов аккумулятора, легко настраивается, без рекламы.
Swiftly Switch offers new ways to handle your phone:
• Recent apps switcher: Arrange your recent apps in a floating circle sidebar. Switch between them by one swipe from trigger screen edge zone.
• Quick Actions: swipe in deeper with a right direction to pull down notification, switch to the last app, back or open Grid Favorites section.
• Grid Favorites: a side panel where you can place your favorite apps, shortcuts, quick settings, contacts to access from any screen.
• Circle Favorites: like the Recent Apps section but for your favorite shortcut

Why Swiftly Switch make your Android experience better?
• One-handed usability: don't need to stretch out your finger to reach the back, recent button, toggle quick settings, or pull down notification
• Fast multitasking: switch to recent apps or last used app with just one swipe. There is no faster way to do it.
• No cluster home screen: because now you can access your favorite apps and shortcuts from anywhere.
• Focus on user experience: ads free, the app is fast, easy to use, beautiful and extremely customizable.

Swiftly Switch is extremely customizable:
• Shortcuts can be arranged in circle pie control, sidebar, float side panel
• You can change the position, sensitivity of the edge screen's trigger zone
• You can customize icon's size, animation, background color, haptic feedback, separate content for each edge, the behavior of each shortcut.

The Pro version of Swiftly Switch offer you:
• Unlock the second edge
• Customize the columns count and rows count of the Grid Favorite
• Pin favorite shortcut to Recent Apps
• Auto disable in full-screen app option
Требуется Android: 5.0+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: de-studio
Перейти на веб-сайт:
Google Play:

Последнее редактирование:


68 442
20 841
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
- Added shortcut to More Settings in General - More
- Added Reverse Left-Right of Edge Quick Action button in Actions, allowing you to quickly switch the edge position between left and right
- Added Change Clock and Indicate Font option in More Setting, with more fonts to choose from and two settings options
- Updated app to support Android version 15
- Fix some bugs and improvements

Mod Info:
No root or Lucky Patcher or Google Play Modded required;
Disabled / Removed...