Best Music Player Pro


68 564
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Best Music Player Pro

Краткое описание:
MP3-плеер для Android
Free Music Player - Free Mp3 Music Player is one of the best music app for android. Music Player is not only help you listen to music, manage allmusic files quickly and easily but also supports almost all types of audio formats. With Free Music Player, you can listen to offline music songs without internet at any time and any place, this is fast music player, perfect audio player and media player support android devices, especially it's completely free. Its the most useful music player should install in your device. Install one of the best music player for android and simple mp3 player for android now.

KEY FEATURES of Android Music player app & Mp3 music player app:
✔ Beautiful design & easy to use, just click any track to playmusic files or audio files (voice recorded file, mp3 files, etc).
✔ The best free music player, songs player, audio music player, mp3 player offline with high quality and beautiful design.
✔ Supports all most music file format - MP3, MP4, WAV, M4A, FLAC, 3GP, OGC, APE, MOD, SPX, OPU, ect. Just click the “rescan music” menu item from the Menu bar to rescan my music from your device.
✔ Search songs automatically in device storage.
✔ Browse and play allmusic in many different ways: Tracks, Albums, Artists, Music playlist, Folders mplayer etc.
✔ Powerful music songs search - search quickly by tracks, artist, album etc.
✔ Sort music by title, duration, artist, album, year and date added
✔ Play songs in shuffle, repeat, loop & order.
✔ Set time for stopping music - Sleep Timer up to 2 hours
✔ Play queue tracks- play music mp3 queue - View upcoming songs music
✔ Hide tab feature - choose your enjoy tab to show
✔ Create and edit your own playlist song
✔ Support popular functions (edit song, rename track, delete track , show track details).
✔ Bass and Sound equalizer controls for Track files.
✔ Support Track Smart Playlists - Recently played/Favorites/Top Played/History Fully playlist support & Build your own playlist on the go.
✔ Muzik play queue with reorder - Easily add tracks to queue, favorites and playlist song.
✔ Support change song name, album name, artist name to easy manage.
✔ Folder music player support - song player by folder.
✔ Add song to Favorites, your own music playlist.
✔ Shuffle music support - shuffle all your tracks file, audio & music files.
✔ Edit song file and save as ringtone (Cut the best part of the audio songs and save it as Ringtone/Alarm/Notification/Music file etc. )
✔ Powerful Mp3 mp3 pleer Cutter & Ringtone Cutter.
✔ Headset control for this default music player (you can stop play music, play next track or continue play music by using headset control button).
✔ Support share song easily.
✔ More than 35+ languages support - Easy to change default language of Media Player.
Требуется Android: 4.1+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: Best MusicPlayer App
Google Play:

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