AdShield - Ad blocker


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
AdShield - Ad blocker


Краткое описание:
Блокировщик рекламы для Android
Это приложение работает только в веб-браузерах!
AdShield - Ad blocker, No more ads & tracking - полезный проект, который поможет избавиться от надоедливой рекламы во время сёрфинга по интернету. Быстро, продуктивно и без каких-либо особых действий и настроек, пользователь освобождается от просмотра массы того, что ему совсем не нужно. Это так же существенно сказывается на трафике, заряде батареи и в виде других приятных свойств.
При этом AdShield в автоматическом режиме запрещает сбор информации, которая потенциально интересна любому рекламодателю и, что в свою очередь откровенно нарушает границы конфиденциальности.
AdShield is an adblocker that runs on your android phone & tablet. With advance interception technology, AdShield enables you to have an ad free web experience to see more of the content that you want. AdShield can blocks ads, banners, adult websites and more. It can also prevent advertisers from tracking your behavior and saves battery as well as data plan.
AdShield blocks ads on almost all browser, literally. You don't need to change your favorite browser to so-call "ad-blocker browser" for ad blocking. This application runs on almost all your favorite browser (include Chrome). *AdShield is not an antivirus app!

🧩The most compatible ad blocker on the market
• DNS-based interception (VPN mode) for most modern browsers (Chrome etc.)
• Rule-based interception(Enhanced Browsing) specially for Yandex Browser

Can I use another VPN application while using AdShield?
Partially yes. In this case, due to system limitation, you can only use Yandex Browser with AdShield extension (Enhanced Browsing) if you wish to continuous to use AdShield while you're using another VPN application.

❎Blocks ads
💰Saves your data plan
🛵Browse FASTER
🔋Increase battery life**

💪Keep ads away***
• Blocks annoying ads
• Blocks adult websites
• Blocks gambling websites
• Blocks social networking websites
• Blocks tracker
• Blocks malicious websites

Enhanced Browsing****
With our Enhanced Browsing extension, your browser can block more ads faultlessly: pre-roll video ads, pop-up ads, etc. (To fully block ads, you'll need Yandex Browser with AdShield's Enhanced Browsing feature.)

Is my ad-blocker working?
Go to for testing your ad blocker

Still have questions? Check out FAQs:

Please note:
If you are using Chrome or Chromium-like browser(browser with data compression):
• Disable browser compression (data saver, optional for Chrome)
• Type in chrome://flags search for async DNS resolver (#enable-async-dns) and choose disabled in the drop down menu.
Otherwise chrome could bypass AdShield which blocks nothing.
For video-site, you will need Yandex Browser with AdShield extension(Enhanced Browsing) to watch ad-free video.
If you are experiencing strange problems, please try to reinstall AdShield.

AdShield is NOT a VPN proxy which connects to remote servers that can masks your IP address. Your IP address will still the same when AdShield is activated.
We use VPN that connects to AdShield itself to identify ads and other unwanted contents. All interception is processed locally. VPN here is just a solution which allows AdShield perform block ads device-widely without root privilege. IT IS NOT A PROXY.*****
Требуется Android: 6.0+
Русский интерфейс: Частично

Разработчик: plusnow dev
Перейти на веб-сайт:
Google Play:

Последнее редактирование:
  • Спасибо
Благодарности: xavbek


68 585
20 855
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
vovanKARPO обновил ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
* Redesigned FAQs page
* Added configuration guide for some devices

Mod Info:
Standalone Android Package;
Android App Bundle Repacked (Split APKs Packer v4.0 by KirIif'):
• Supported CPU architecture: universal;
• Supported Screen DPIs: hdpi [240dpi], xhdpi [320dpi], xxhdpi [480dpi], xxxhdpi [640dpi];
• Languages: Multi Languages;
No LP or Google Play Modded needed;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers and Services;
Analytics / Crashlytics disabled.