Photoshop Express Photo Editor


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1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Photoshop Express Photo Editor

Краткое описание:
Редактор фото и коллажей
Присоединяйтесь к миллионам пользователей Adobe Photoshop Express — одного из лучших средств для обработки фотографий и создания коллажей на Android, — чтобы быстро и эффективно редактировать изображения.

  • Основные операции: кадрирование, выпрямление, вращение и зеркальное отражение. Коррекция красных и засвеченных глаз.
  • Автоматическое исправление: настройка контраста, экспозиции и баланса белого одним касанием.
  • Устранение дефектов: удаление пятен, грязи и пыли с фотографий одним касанием.
  • Коррекция: осветление фотографий с помощью ползунков четкости, контрастности, экспозиции, подсветок, теней, черного, белого, температуры, оттенков, резкости, насыщенности и яркости.
  • Фильтры: простой способ создать шедевр — более 80 эффектных стилей! Чтобы добиться более реалистичных эффектов, управляйте интенсивностью фильтров.
  • Водяные знаки: добавление текстовых или графических водяных знаков на изображения.
  • Настройки: создание и сохранение собственных фильтров.
  • Рамки: более 15 рамок, которые позволят сделать фотографии самыми оригинальными. Выберите цвет рамки, который идеально совпадает с цветами изображения.
  • Поддержка форматов Raw: импорт и редактирование фотографий в формате Raw.
  • Общий доступ: размещение фотографий в социальных сетях: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram и других.
  • Водяные знаки: добавление текстовых или графических водяных знаков на изображения.
  • Изменение размера изображения: используйте эту функцию, чтобы изменить размер изображения перед сохранением.
  • Высокое качество JPEG: настройте качество и размер изображения.
  • Создайте фотоколлаж за секунды с помощью функции сетки фотографий.
  • Выберите один из макетов сетки.
  • Выберите фотографию в макете и отредактируйте в фоторедакторе.
  • Изменяйте положение фотографий, используя перетаскивание, регулируйте масштаб жестами или размер маркерами.
  • Добавляйте или заменяйте изображения.
  • Корректируйте изображения и применяйте фильтры.
  • Изменяйте толщину и цвет границ.
  • Печать фотографий из приложения
  • Легкое использование фильтров: получите дополнительные фильтры для создания новых образов!
  • Уменьшение шумов: снизьте зернистость и шум на фотографиях, сделанных ночью и при плохом освещении.
  • Устранение тумана: удалите с фотографий туман и дымку.
  • Коррекция перспективы: исправляйте перспективу на фотографиях одним касанием! Вы можете выбрать автоматический режим, а также вертикальную или горизонтальную коррекцию. - Доступ к дополнительным функциям при входе с Adobe ID:
Доступ к этим функциям при входе с Adobe ID

Закончив работу, поделитесь отредактированными фотографиями в Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp и других социальных сетях!

Хотите изменить фотографии? Попробуйте другие бесплатные мобильные приложения Adobe Photoshop:
  • Photoshop Mix — вырезайте и комбинируйте элементы разных изображений, накладывайте друг на друга слои и используйте фильтры на iPad или iPhone.
  • Photoshop Fix — редактируйте черты лица, восстанавливайте, осветляйте, изменяйте пластику и цвет, а затем отправляйте их в другие приложения Creative Cloud.
  • Lightroom Mobile — захватывайте, редактируйте, организуйте и делитесь изображениями профессионального качества на смартфоне или планшете.
Photoshop Express поддерживает следующие форматы:
  • Фотографии: JPG, PNG
  • Форматы Raw: arw (SONY), cr2 (CANON), crw (CANON), dng, erf (EPSON), raf (FUJI), 3fr & fff (HASSELBLAD), dcr (KODAK), mrw (KONICA), mos (LEAF), rwl (LEICA), nef и nrw (NIKON), orf (OLYMPUS), rw2 (PANASONIC), pef (PENTAX), srw (SAMSUNG)
  • Мы поддерживаем большинство форматов raw для последних моделей камер, однако не можем гарантировать поддержку всех форматов raw.
Photoshop Express от компании Adobe, разработчика семейства продуктов Photoshop, обладает мощностью Adobe Photoshop CC, предоставляя возможности для работы с изображениями через Adobe Creative Cloud, где бы вы ни находились.
Требуется Android: 9.0+
Русский интерфейс: Да

Разработчик: Adobe
Перейти на веб-сайт:
Google Play:



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers +...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signin ID Account Required for Premium;
Disabled /...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signin ID Account Required for Premium;
Disabled /...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!
Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.
Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signin ID Account Required for Premium;
Disabled /...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signin ID Account Required for Premium;
Disabled /...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signin ID Account Required for Premium;
Disabled /...



Друг форума
1 534
Realme 6 Pro
Mark_fox обновил(а) ресурс новой записью:

What's New:
Big news: Retouching tools have arrived! You can now enjoy the magic of skin smoothing, reshaping, & more!

Heal tool: Our basic heal feature smooths out areas to give you a quick and easy touch up.

Reshape: Transform your photos with the reshape tool. Refine face shape and emphasize features by enhancing contours, lips, and eyes to get picture-perfect results in seconds.

Mod Info:
Premium / Paid features unlocked;
Adobe signing ID Account Required for Premium;